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Brewed By: Mill Street Brew Pub

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 9

Style: American Cream Ale

Brewed In: 21 Tank House Lane, Toronto, Ontario, M5A 3C4, Canada

ABV: 5%

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Image contributed by: will.bleser

Tasting Notes

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bugs318 profile picturebugs318 - June 18, 2012
pours a golden body capped by a decent white head with fair retention and fair glass-clinging lace. Aromas are of sweet bread, with slight toffee malts. The nose is a bit light and faintly grassy. As this has both ale and lager yeast, one can perceive the gassy flow of a lager and the straw notes on the flavour front, which it is dominated by. It is fairly dry, and more bitter and lingeringly so than the Helles Bock with flavour notes of straw and grass, but it is oddly more pale-'lagerish' and has less flavour preceding these notes. It is essentially much like a fairly dry lager or even a hybrid alt that is fairly light bodied, with only slight carbonation, yet a tingly and simultaneously smooth and slightly oily feel. Grade: B-