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Brewed By: Harpoon Brewery, LLC / UFO Beer (Massachusetts Bay Brewing Company, Inc. - Barrel One Collective)

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 23

Style: American Amber / Red Ale

Brewed In: 306 Northern Ave, Boston, MA 02210, USA

ABV: 5.8%

IBU: 32

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Image contributed by: mark52

Tasting Notes

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jaywill1323 profile picturejaywill1323 - April 12, 2014
Brewed in the style of an old ale using only Polish malts and hops. Amber in color with a thick white head that leaves layers of lacing. Faint aromas of bitter hops. Intensely bitter and woody has a very sharp charred oak quality to it. Has notes of that old ale flavor but something is off about it almost a metallic taste to it. Very bitter aftertaste like anise, can't quite put my finger on it. Would not have again. On the bright side opens up and the flavors mellow and meld together as it warms up.