Pime Öö
Brewed By: Põhjala Brewery (Pohjala)
Number of Ratings: 3
Style: Russian Imperial Stout
Brewed In: Serva 28, Tallinn, 11618, Estonia
ABV: 13.6%
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Number of Ratings: 3
Style: Russian Imperial Stout
Brewed In: Serva 28, Tallinn, 11618, Estonia
ABV: 13.6%
People Who Liked This Beer Also Liked:We don't have enough ratings to say what beers are similar.
Tasting Notes
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FabAru - April 24, 2021
Good stuff. Atypical. Strangely tastes as I expected it to. For some peculiar, clairvoyant reason, I thought it would be similar to Weyerbacher Tiny stout. And it is. Brown sugar. Brown sugar. Yes, twice. A little soy sauce. Consistency of a heavy porter or light to medium stout. Doesnt seem strong enough to have that much booze, so dangerous; I would have had another! Got at The Liquor Store of Jackson Hole.
jdh - April 5, 2018
Not a bad a stout. A little bitter chocolate through out but a velvet something for a few seconds sneaks in.