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Brewed By: Pabst Brewing Company / G. Heileman Brewing Co.

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 14291

Style: American Adjunct Lager

Brewed In: 10635 Santa Monica Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90025, USA

ABV: 4.74%

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Image contributed by: CHills

Tasting Notes

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Christhopper profile pictureChristhopper - February 26, 2014
The stuff of legends!!
loki917 profile pictureloki917 - February 18, 2014
Sure it's cheap and watery. Sure the hipsters drink it. But it's just fine after a long hot day of yard work. At least while it's ice cold.
beersmashinbonanza profile picturebeersmashinbonanza - February 15, 2014
Way too light.
jaymanblue57 profile picturejaymanblue57 - February 15, 2014
Favorite cheap beer best when cold & crisp better than bud
Cmicoop profile pictureCmicoop - February 14, 2014
Not much flavor
jhelberg1 profile picturejhelberg1 - February 5, 2014
American light lager that at least isn't afraid to leave a bit of taste in. Oddly trendy right now...
Mountaineer profile pictureMountaineer - January 31, 2014
Favorite cheap beer. Get it in a bottle and you are set. Can drink tons of the stuff.
redchuck1964 profile pictureredchuck1964 - January 27, 2014
I think PBR is a good beer now. Just horribly overpriced and over rated by the general public. It is something of a gateway beer to get bud and miller drinkers to at least try something better, so I give them credit for that
DefectiveDetective profile pictureDefectiveDetective - January 27, 2014
the good news is after you drink a couple, you cant taste how shitty they are!
cjtriebel profile picturecjtriebel - January 25, 2014
Not too good, but it's a classic that deserves it's place on a hot summer weekend.
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