Out Of Bounds Stout
Brewed By: Avery Brewing Company
Number of Ratings: 461
Style: Irish Dry Stout
Brewed In: 4910 Nautilus Ct N, Boulder, CO 80301, USA
ABV: 6.3%
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You must be signed in to rate beers or receive recommendations.Average Rating:
Number of Ratings: 461
Style: Irish Dry Stout
Brewed In: 4910 Nautilus Ct N, Boulder, CO 80301, USA
ABV: 6.3%
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Tasting Notes
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Fireballlk - November 19, 2016
Smooth, chocolate undertones, nice coffee stout
eagles4001 - October 28, 2016
Not bad. A little bitter
BP420 - June 2, 2016
Very good stout
jmile - August 4, 2015
Subdued stout slight roast after taste
Cellar Dweller - April 9, 2015
Tastes of coffee and charred wood. Not bad but not great for an Avery stout.
ChefJoeyK - January 16, 2015
Chocolate understones, rich creamy ale, smooth taste and mouth feel
bblackman18@gmail.com - November 30, 2014
I enjoy a good stout but this one was a little bitter for my taste. Creamy mouthfeel and nicely malty, though.
clipinski13 - October 28, 2014
Bold roasted barley and a nice balance of hop bitterness are offered up in this tasty stout.
tori.galatro@gmail.com - September 5, 2014
Carbonated. Quite a bite. Bitter ending. Dark, burnt flavor in the middle. Good bitter stout. Not mind blowing.
aaf145 - August 27, 2014
Not too crazy about this one.. Mediocre brew , I like the abv for an Irish dry stout, but I don't care for the roasted barley and hop combo..more hop than barley .. It is drinkable and I'm a fan of Avery so ..3 stars.