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Brewed By: Oskar Blues Grill & Brewery

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 3801

Style: Scotch Ale / Wee Heavy

Brewed In: 303 Main Street, Lyons, CO 80540, USA

ABV: 8%

IBU: 25

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Image contributed by: Crowell Cat

Tasting Notes

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htodd01 profile picturehtodd01 - July 10, 2016
Super easy full beer. Nice balance of bitters and chocolate profile - July 8, 2016
A great brew, wasn't sure on this one bein' an IPA type a guy, but this one really gets better as you drink. Nice, sweet, lots of flavor, with a good balance, and the ABV is hidden nicely. Real easy to drink. Luv the brewery & luv cans. Cans are back baby!! 5-Stars. (Kracked a can)
oKC profile pictureoKC - June 28, 2016
On Draft. Really nice malty scotch ale. Great color. Great taste all the way through.
gadgetman profile picturegadgetman - June 4, 2016
Creamy flavor. Nice in a snifter. Some say it's smoky, but I don't get that at all. Best scotch ale I've had.
mikeyw profile picturemikeyw - May 31, 2016
A great scotch ale. The first sip had me loving it.
ddomogala profile pictureddomogala - May 16, 2016
Tastes smoky. Original recipe is better.
Statler profile pictureStatler - April 15, 2016
Dark color, tastes like mid-range red. Smooth; very mild bite.
ImperialWolfStout profile pictureImperialWolfStout - April 11, 2016
Offers all the great soft caramel tones that a scotch ale should offer. Best between cool and cellar temperatures. I could drink these all day but they serve as a personal treat instead.
mcelroyk profile picturemcelroyk - March 20, 2016
Dense berry/coffee notes. Very satisfying! profile - February 24, 2016
Darker, but smoother for being a darker beer. Slight coffee taste at first, but it goes away.
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