Double IPA
Brewed By: Odell Brewing Company
Number of Ratings: 102
Style: American Double / Imperial IPA (DIPA / IIPA)
Brewed In: 800 East Lincoln Ave., Fort Collins, CO 80524,USA
ABV: ?
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You must be signed in to rate beers or receive recommendations.Average Rating:
Number of Ratings: 102
Style: American Double / Imperial IPA (DIPA / IIPA)
Brewed In: 800 East Lincoln Ave., Fort Collins, CO 80524,USA
ABV: ?
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Tasting Notes
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philcro - September 4, 2016
At Austin Flying Saucer w S 8/31/2016
itzkrazi - October 1, 2015
Citrusy. Good but not favorite. Not rounded taste - March 22, 2014
I've had better - March 1, 2014
Good, but prefer regular IPA