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Brewed By: Brouwerij the Musketeers Bvba

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 88

Style: Belgian Strong Dark Ale

Brewed In: Reepstraat 208, Sint-Gillis-Waas, 9170, Belgium

ABV: 8.5%

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Image contributed by: stevem

Tasting Notes

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loki917 profile pictureloki917 - March 26, 2014
Sweet nose and sweet initial mouth feel. Finishes with classic dark stout predictability. It has a deep dark brown/red color. Refreshing and fun.
loki917 profile pictureloki917 - February 14, 2014
Hints of Chicory and molasses. Sweet smelling stout
hammer profile picturehammer - December 10, 2013
A hint of black licorice that I don't care for but a delicious nutty finish (twss). Very smooth with excellent mouthfeel. Very good overall.
codehead profile picturecodehead - March 22, 2013
Fabulous on tap - lots of complexity- heavy licorice profile, with chocolate and coffee notes. Belgian yeast finish.
dlitolff profile picturedlitolff - November 12, 2012
Malty, caramel, pretty good. On tap at NOLA Beer Fest, November 2012.
dogfishfan profile picturedogfishfan - May 27, 2012
Smoky, oaky, hoppy.
gudmunk profile picturegudmunk - May 6, 2012
Creamy. Coffee and chocolate taste. A bit dry and bitter aftertaste. Very good and well balanced
Alehound profile pictureAlehound - April 26, 2012
Oak and caramel long oaky finish
JCDrumKing profile pictureJCDrumKing - March 23, 2012
Thought I would like this more. Kind of medicinal. 2.5 stars, sorry
clint profile pictureclint - January 1, 2012
Drinkable but there is better out there.
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