Murphy's Irish Red Ale
Brewed By: Murphy Brewery Ireland Limited (Heineken Brewery Ireland, Ltd.)
Number of Ratings: 474
Style: Irish Red Ale
Brewed In: Leitrim Street, Cork, Ireland
ABV: 5.0%
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You must be signed in to rate beers or receive recommendations.Average Rating:
Number of Ratings: 474
Style: Irish Red Ale
Brewed In: Leitrim Street, Cork, Ireland
ABV: 5.0%
People Who Liked This Beer Also Liked:We don't have enough ratings to say what beers are similar.
Tasting Notes
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AndersTingberg - September 3, 2019
It was OK - March 20, 2016
Not very intense, not too much character
braxtonk - April 7, 2015
Light and crisp with teeth but no bitter after taste. Smooth.
HSAlegend02 - October 22, 2014
Legitimately one of the worst beers I've ever had...disgusting artificial red syrup taste, so sickeningly sweet...
aaf145 - August 10, 2014
Damn I want to like this one but it tasted like red syrup was added... Weird sugary, sweet taste, artificial.. Disappointing .. 1.5 stars
DMcBurney - May 17, 2014
Middle of the road Red Ale. 62 of 94 on Market Cross Pub 2014 World Tour booklet.
4boysnthequeen - March 17, 2014
Love my reds...this one ehhhh
tgeiger05 - March 15, 2014
Nice malt and hop mouth. Finishes crisp and not a strong hop aftertaste. Nice Irish Ale!
crrobins - December 31, 2013
Hints of dry apple cider. Crisp. Clean - October 7, 2013
Good Irish red ale, better on tap than in a bottle though.