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Brewed By: Beau's All Natural Brewing Company

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 1

Style: American IPA

Brewed In: 10 Terry Fox Dr, Vankleek Hill, Ontario, K0B 1R0, Canada

ABV: 9%

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Tasting Notes

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bugs318 profile picturebugs318 - June 20, 2012
slight peaty notes atop a lightly floral hops, with some tempering oak woodiness and very faint sweet toffee hints. The bitter piney finish is tempered somewhat by the bourbon barrel sweetness imparted with tinges of woody/sap flavours. Yet, it seems a bit less tempered in contrast to the barrel aged double-wide below that is originally more bitter presumably (as a double IPA). Still, very nice, but not tempered enough for those resistant to a lingeringly dry finish. Grade: B+/A-