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Brewed By: Brouwerij De Keersmaeker

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 82

Style: Lambic - Fruit

Brewed In: Belgium

ABV: 4.50%

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Image contributed by: anthonybaraff

Tasting Notes

Please sign in to post comments about this beer and see your Beer Buddies' comments. profile - October 26, 2014
Yummy, not sure I would call it beer
dkakes profile picturedkakes - February 16, 2014
Very sweet Lambic. Very strong cherry flavor
topnotch profile picturetopnotch - August 31, 2013
I quite like this , I don't usually like sweet beers but this is nice and smooth. Doesn't really taste like a beer.
alechman profile picturealechman - May 23, 2013
More of a sweet finish than the sour taste associated with Lambics. Overall though pretty well balanced despite the sweetness
Katherine 95616 profile pictureKatherine 95616 - March 30, 2013
John liked better than I did. Perhaps a bit sweet, but lots of cherry flavor.
bugs318 profile picturebugs318 - December 4, 2012
Gorgeous pink body with a fizzy white head of solid retention and thick lace. Aroma is of sweet cherries almost like a cherry soda and it tastes similarly. Taste is very sweet up front with only faint tartness in the finish. Fine for what it is, but nothing more.
bugs318 profile picturebugs318 - December 4, 2012
Gorgeous pink body with a fizzy white head of solid retention and thick lace. Aroma is of sweet cherries almost like a cherry soda and it tastes similarly. Taste is very sweet up front with only faint tartness in the finish. Fine for what it is, but nothing more. profile - April 14, 2012
Sweet & dry. No sour after taste.
mg profile picturemg - January 24, 2012
Much better lambic than available in most stores!
Jean profile pictureJean - November 30, 2011
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