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Brewed By: Local Option (Bierwerker)

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 81

Style: American Amber / Red Ale

Brewed In: 1102 W Webster Ave, Chicago, IL 60614-7020, USA

ABV: 7%

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Image contributed by: Medic1895

Tasting Notes

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aaf145 profile pictureaaf145 - February 1, 2015
Great coffee flavor.. Tastes darker than the beer really of my favorite ambers... Awesome brew 4.5 stars... Not hoppy at all ...
douger profile picturedouger - November 10, 2014
Great coffee taste for an amber
dlitolff profile picturedlitolff - October 26, 2014
Roasty, dry finish, amber ale. Decent. On tap at Ave Pub, October 2014.
jmvdigital profile picturejmvdigital - October 17, 2014
Easy drinker. Good flavor. Coffee flavor is subtle though. Almost like a very light coffee stout.
PatrickBigsby profile picturePatrickBigsby - July 19, 2014
Strong roast flavor, just one degree too sweet. Great aroma.
MrJackSprat profile pictureMrJackSprat - May 17, 2014
A nice chocolate/coffee aroma and a silky smooth finish. Light in the hops cut has a lot of flavor for a non-dark ale.
UICJohn profile pictureUICJohn - April 18, 2014
A coffee taste but not really overwhelming (which is good since I hate coffee)
UICJohn profile pictureUICJohn - April 18, 2014
A coffee taste but I did not think it to be overwhelming (which is good since I hate coffee)
ChiHopHead profile pictureChiHopHead - March 19, 2014
Nice balance of flavors one might not assume would blend well. Great to drink a beer with coffee without chocolate and that isn't dark in color. Truly original.
bears1985 profile picturebears1985 - March 9, 2014
Nice aroma great amber color smokey / coffee flavor well done you do taste the AC
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