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Brewed By: City Brewing Company, LLC

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 50

Style: American Amber / Red Ale

Brewed In: 925 South 3rd St, La Crosse, WI 54601, USA

ABV: 4.80%

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Image contributed by: m_c_Davis

Tasting Notes

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Ern Dog profile pictureErn Dog - March 4, 2013
An interesting tasting ale with a semi sweet taste and aroma. Not of a big fan of sweet flavored beer, but this one reminds me of lemon tea with honey that I drink when I'm sick! 3/4/13
Balderstache profile pictureBalderstache - September 6, 2012
Sweet taste of honey aftertaste
glennh profile pictureglennh - June 27, 2012
Bottle. Sweet honey aroma precedes a generously malty head and full mouthfeel. A lingering honey finish yields a a disappointingly bland hop balance.
Ricker888 profile pictureRicker888 - May 12, 2012
A little too sweet and carbonated for my liking. Not too hard to drink and get by with but harder to really enjoy.
scbrew profile picturescbrew - February 28, 2012
Great amber notice a hint of grapes
bobt profile picturebobt - January 29, 2012
Good tasting beer. Adequate flavor
Marplot profile pictureMarplot - November 10, 2011
this was so carbonated I thought I was drinking a wine cooler.
kp0369 profile picturekp0369 - October 16, 2011
Light and slightly malty