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Brewed By: Maine Beer Company

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 494

Style: American Amber Pale Ale

Brewed In: 525 US Route 1, Freeport, ME 04032-7009, USA

ABV: 6%

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Image contributed by: eddierichard

Tasting Notes

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neef profile pictureneef - April 16, 2019
Mo was Meh for me. Unremarkable and not particularly smooth. I wouldn?t turn down a free one though!
Rockhopper profile pictureRockhopper - January 20, 2019
Deep gold with frothy head and fair retention and lacing. Smells amazing; fresh pine and lemon. Flavor isn?t as bold though and it drinks like a mild mannered ale with some notes of citrus. Not that special.
srosbrook profile picturesrosbrook - April 28, 2017
Unfiltered. profile - February 21, 2017
Smooth and very drinkable
martini1 profile picturemartini1 - December 21, 2016
A bit hoppy but good finish. It was given as a gift so I don't know how expensive it is.
mg13 profile picturemg13 - December 11, 2016
mg13 profile picturemg13 - December 11, 2016
mg13 profile picturemg13 - December 11, 2016
mg13 profile picturemg13 - December 11, 2016
mg13 profile picturemg13 - December 11, 2016
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