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Brewed By: Miller Brewing Co. / SABMiller

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 15043

Style: American Light Lager

Brewed In: Wisconsin, United States

ABV: 4.17%

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Image contributed by: TEXASCHAINSAW

Tasting Notes

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dabodyman profile picturedabodyman - January 9, 2017
Piss water. I hate this beer if that's what you want to call it.
powers profile picturepowers - December 17, 2016
Better than bud light
JCWEarp profile pictureJCWEarp - October 16, 2016
Of all the light beers, this one actually gives me a headache.
Dstack239 profile pictureDstack239 - October 9, 2016
Good beer for after work.
EazyE95 profile pictureEazyE95 - October 9, 2016
Good beer for party/ barbq
sophoodles profile picturesophoodles - September 23, 2016
One of my least favorite beers. Bitter in a watery-beer way, with a buttery feel down your throat after you drink it
tonybiblerocks profile picturetonybiblerocks - September 21, 2016
Zero stars. Swill. Why bother?! profile - September 18, 2016
Good cheap domestic. Good with meals and a go to in party scenarios.
striketm profile picturestriketm - August 7, 2016
Lite, smooth with buttery note. Best drunk in full sun, hot humid weather while mowing lawn.
bubbagator profile picturebubbagator - July 29, 2016
nothing better on a hot day in Florida. Less filing and taste great...
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