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Brewed By: Muskoka Brewery

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 243

Style: American IPA

Brewed In: 1964 Muskoka Beach Rd, Bracebridge, ON P0B, Canada

ABV: 6.4%

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Mad Tom IPA

Image contributed by: randomk

Tasting Notes

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BeerBoy76 profile pictureBeerBoy76 - December 19, 2018
Sharp and crisp
jshugart profile picturejshugart - April 16, 2017
Fruity and hoppy. One of the original craft favourites. profile - May 26, 2016
Wow! This is an awesome IPA. For all you IPA lovers out there, don't go by what everybody said before me, this brew's the real deal. For a Canadian beer it's got all the qualities u want in an IPA. Best Canadian brew I've had to date. 5-Stars. (Enjoyed on tap)
ZombieFalafel profile pictureZombieFalafel - October 10, 2015
Very hoppy! A great beer that's reminiscent of Smashbomb Atomic IPA, but not as flavourful. profile - August 1, 2015
Too hoppy for my liking. Almost tastes like a liquor but unlike the spirit, mad tom sticks in my throat and won't go all the way down. Good if you like hoppy ales. Can't imagine what twice as mad tom would be like.
DukeNL profile pictureDukeNL - May 25, 2015
This falls in the undrinkable category of over hopped IPAs. profile - May 21, 2015
Little too much citrus flavour but overall not bad.
beergirl4lyfe profile picturebeergirl4lyfe - August 2, 2014
So hoppy because it's an IPA which I do not like. Also this was a double IPA. Game over.
jackbauer profile picturejackbauer - July 13, 2014
This to me tastes like a strong Detour. Very hoppy, but not overpowering. Not something I'd want to drink 8 or 9 of.
prhubbard profile pictureprhubbard - June 10, 2014
Nothing exceeds like excess and man I find this exceedingly bitter. The hop taste doesn't just linger it evokes squatters rights. This stuff is the ASBO of beers. Not a fan. I want flavour not industrial after taste. Blah. Never again.
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