Life And Limb
Brewed By: Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.
Number of Ratings: 441
Style: American Strong Ale
Brewed In: 1075 E 20th St, Chico, CA 95928, USA
ABV: 10.2%
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You must be signed in to rate beers or receive recommendations.Average Rating:
Number of Ratings: 441
Style: American Strong Ale
Brewed In: 1075 E 20th St, Chico, CA 95928, USA
ABV: 10.2%
People Who Liked This Beer Also Liked:We don't have enough ratings to say what beers are similar.
Tasting Notes
Please sign in to post comments about this beer and see your Beer Buddies' comments. - June 13, 2019
In June of 2019 SN released this last collaboration with Dogfish Head. It has maple and birch syrups. Very smooth for a 10.2% beer. Lighter body than I remember from other Life and Limbs and kind of bland. A C to B-. See Life and Limb 3 notes. - February 7, 2017
A-. Very balanced strong Ale, a bit sweet with raisins, maple or molasses. Smooth. In 8-4-2018 had the 2019, 2011 and 2009 back to back and the clear winner was the 2009. Thick, malty sweet, smooth, caramel, toffee and some alcohol. A rated. B for the 2011 and C for 2019.
In 12-22-24 I got to try the 2009, 2011 and 2019. The relative results were the same with a drop to A- to C-.
diverej - January 28, 2014
Rich and dark, very smooth great taste.
ItisAnk - August 12, 2013
Dogfish head life and limb, have to make do. Real good ipa, fairly malty, complex, very drinkable. I forgot the rest
pem16 - March 7, 2013
One word. Fantastic!
wiggs17 - November 29, 2011
Better not cold but cool
zippy2317 - November 6, 2011
Very smooth with a hint of maple syrup
CTwo - October 18, 2011
Lots of chocolate, caramel. The sweetness offsets the bitterness very well. You get a sense of the syrup in the sweetness, but it's not overloading in taste. Well balanced.
CSpechtRock - October 1, 2011
Absolutely fantastic! I had it on tap but I'll certainly be looking to see if they bottle this one. Dark and sweet. Great beer.
Found it in a bottle: Life and Limb 2. 10.2% ABV and just as awesome as the draft version I described above.
timber! - September 23, 2011
Pours a thick dark brown. Good head retention. Sweet flavors of maple syrup, raisins and alcohol