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Brewed By: Apocalypse Brew Works, LLP

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 2

Style: American Brown Ale

Brewed In: 1612 Mellwood Ave, Louisville, KY 40206, USA

ABV: 5.8%

IBU: 49

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Kentucky Hop Brown

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Tasting Notes

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Gibbstone profile pictureGibbstone - September 28, 2014
A brown ale with some hop kick. Dig it!
a hungri bear profile picturea hungri bear - August 5, 2013
05AUG13, Flanagan's, Louisville, KY Draft, pint Pours a dark, opaque brown with a finger and a half of tan head that slowly dissipates to a decent film. Aroma is a mild earthy hop with strong roasted barley. Mouthfeel is light-to-medium. Flavor is initially pale malt, with a prominent hop bitterness on the back end. The bitterness isn't sharp, though, and is cut by the brown's sweetness. Finish is fairly dry, with a bit of lingering bitterness, though light. It's interesting, and I'm not so sure the flavors really go well together.