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Brewed By: J.W. Lees & Co (Brewers) Ltd

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 26

Style: English Barleywine

Brewed In: Greengate Brewery, Middleton Junction, Manchester, Chesire, M24 2AX, England, UK

ABV: 11.50%

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Harvest Ale (2011 Port Cask)

Image contributed by: drv72388

Tasting Notes

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usmcfire profile pictureusmcfire - January 29, 2016
3013 bottle. Alcohol burn somewhat flat sweet finish
davl22 profile picturedavl22 - November 9, 2015
2 year old bottle, a little past its prime, sweet caramel/fig, wet cardboard, a bitter black tea finish, not awful but would love to try it fresh. profile - April 15, 2013
I had such high hopes for this beer. I love beer and I love port. Unfortunately this beer was awful. The port taste was pretty strong but the wood flavor from the cask was too prominent. If you like wood flavor in your beer, give this a go. It's also heavy on sediment which, I feel, clouds the otherwise good color. profile - November 18, 2012
The port wine taste over powers the beer