Hildegard Saison Brux
Brewed By: Boquébière
Number of Ratings: 2
Style: Saison / Farmhouse Ale
Brewed In: Quebec, Canada
ABV: 7.5%
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You must be signed in to rate beers or receive recommendations.Average Rating:
Number of Ratings: 2
Style: Saison / Farmhouse Ale
Brewed In: Quebec, Canada
ABV: 7.5%
People Who Liked This Beer Also Liked:We don't have enough ratings to say what beers are similar.
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Tasting Notes
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bugs318 - June 27, 2013
pours a cloudy amber with a thick, frothy, rocky head some lingering heady lace. The nose is a decent mix of barnyard funk and acidic tartness, while the taste is Bretty and funky without much in the way of acidity. In other words, it smells a bit more wild and tastes a bit more Brett-y (like a standard Saison). A nice full body and strong carbonation complement it well. Another successful marvel of Quebec's recreation of the French-Belgian styles! Grade: A
bugs318 - June 14, 2013
pours a cloudy amber with some lingering heady lace. The nose is a decent mix of barnyard funk and acidic tartness, while the taste is Bretty and funky without much in the way of acidity. In other words, it smells a bit more wild and tastes a bit more Brett-y (like a standard Saison). A nice full body and strong carbonation complement it well. Another successful marvel of Quebec's recreation of the French-Belgian styles! Grade: A