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Brewed By: Brouwerij Van Steenberge N.V.

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 639

Style: Quadrupel (Quad)

Brewed In: Lindenlaan 25, Ertvelde, 9940, Belgium

ABV: 10.5%

IBU: 45

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Image contributed by: CHills

Tasting Notes

Please sign in to post comments about this beer and see your Beer Buddies' comments. profile - September 6, 2014
Beautiful deep golden poured into a tulip glass. Frothy head that remained throughout, fantastic lacing. Rich, fruity quad with banana and molasses notes, fig and currant. High ABV but smooth and very drinkable. Excellent.
aaf145 profile pictureaaf145 - August 17, 2014
Nice Quad.. So smooth, low alcohol burn to start followed by a nice dark fruit finish... Very happy with this purchase, really hit the spot.. One of the better quads I've had in a while...should certainly stay in brew genes top 100, lives up to the hype..4 stars
quagmire56 profile picturequagmire56 - June 27, 2014
Excellent quad with chocolate taste and fruity finish.
blue4n3 profile pictureblue4n3 - June 16, 2014
Relatively non viscous mouth feel but viscous beer. Very little malt. Strong honey like taste and finish. Smooth.
bassfury profile picturebassfury - March 29, 2014
Super sweet but lighter than the Tripel don't know how they do it but very drinkable quad profile - March 14, 2014
The Belgians do it again!
Noel102284 profile pictureNoel102284 - March 3, 2014
Smoothe. Chocolatey, malty
Noel102284 profile pictureNoel102284 - March 3, 2014
Great. creamier than regular.
martiro7 profile picturemartiro7 - February 23, 2014
Super sweet
treyej profile picturetreyej - February 13, 2014
A little sweet at first with smooth finish.
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