Guinness Rye Pale Ale
Brewed By: Guinness Ltd. (Eire)
Number of Ratings: 93
Style: American Rye Pale Ale
Brewed In: St. James Gate, Dublin, Eire
ABV: 5%
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You must be signed in to rate beers or receive recommendations.Average Rating:
Number of Ratings: 93
Style: American Rye Pale Ale
Brewed In: St. James Gate, Dublin, Eire
ABV: 5%
People Who Liked This Beer Also Liked:We don't have enough ratings to say what beers are similar.
Tasting Notes
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railroadbill351 - June 10, 2017
Citrusy with just a hint of pepper from the rye. Hoppy, but not overpowering...borderline IPA. Reminiscent of Sierra Nevada Pale Ale - May 21, 2017
Fairly complex beer. Had at Dececco house
nil - May 1, 2017
There's a slight peppery quality from the rye but there's also more of a clean drinkability too. The fruity quality is refreshingly substantial.
Yak'sBrew - March 11, 2017
Not sure what this is. Little to no carbonation. No head. Light on the tongue. Seems like sweet tea if you close your eyes. Disappointing. - March 7, 2017
This is pathetic - November 4, 2016
Agreed with another, not big on flavor. A little bitter, orange peels, but also sweet. Crisp and easy drinking,
topharry123 - October 30, 2016
Not packed with flavor but that is what you would expect from a Guinness brewed beer. It is very clean and refreshing and really hits on most levels, something you would expect from a Guinness brewed beer. All in all, a good addition to the Guinness brand and a good refreshing beer.
bears1985 - October 25, 2016
Not a fan