Guinness Stout
Brewed By: Guinness Ltd. (Eire)
Number of Ratings: 21261
Style: Irish Dry Stout
Brewed In: St. James Gate, Dublin, Eire
ABV: 4.20%
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Number of Ratings: 21261
Style: Irish Dry Stout
Brewed In: St. James Gate, Dublin, Eire
ABV: 4.20%
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Tasting Notes
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KJoFan - January 31, 2012
Less bitter but too flat
PatCappel - January 26, 2012
Smooth and frothy with a mild coffee flavor
Buzz Kollbaum - January 25, 2012
May be the beer on my deserted island.
ddscroggs - January 20, 2012
This taste like a watery version of the Guinness extra stout, which is one of my favorite beers. This just doesn't taste right. Try the extra stout and see if you agree.
foxystephens - January 20, 2012
Wonderful rich, burnt coffee flavor with a smooth finish. Classic, and one of the best that is easy to find anywhere. Flavor develops as it warms, so drink slowly and enjoy.
rkmercer275 - January 17, 2012
My favorite stout
SingingChemist - January 16, 2012
hdn0002 - January 16, 2012
Full body and flavor, super smooth, but not especially filling as commonly assumed
brookslindseyjr - January 13, 2012
From the can a little flat. I might prefer from the bottle...
Dannyh8303 - January 12, 2012
Great creamy head. Nice smooth coffee type of flavor