Guinness Stout
Brewed By: Guinness Ltd. (Eire)
Number of Ratings: 21261
Style: Irish Dry Stout
Brewed In: St. James Gate, Dublin, Eire
ABV: 4.20%
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You must be signed in to rate beers or receive recommendations.Average Rating:
Number of Ratings: 21261
Style: Irish Dry Stout
Brewed In: St. James Gate, Dublin, Eire
ABV: 4.20%
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Tasting Notes
Please sign in to post comments about this beer and see your Beer Buddies' comments. - February 25, 2013
Eww, eww, eww, EWW
Mapwhap - February 20, 2013
The most overrated beer since Corona. This is what frat boys splurge on for St Patrick's Day to convince everyone that they're Irish, and it's what yuppies drink to convince everyone that they know good beer.
phelpsie - February 16, 2013
Snuff Said
BrandonMelton - February 8, 2013
Rating: 84
scamara45 - February 2, 2013
Classic. Creamy with a solid, meaty flavor. Realize that doesn't sound very appetizing, but it works. Substance in a pint glass!
m@n - January 28, 2013
Taste similar to ice coffee
shodge225 - January 28, 2013
Very easy to drink and smooth as can be. Not much depth of flavor but good nonetheless - January 26, 2013
Guinness! Nuff said.
T23Jones - January 26, 2013
Very strong, bitter taste
Rollo - January 22, 2013
Greatest beverage ever.