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Brewed By: Guinness Ltd. (Eire)

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 21261

Style: Irish Dry Stout

Brewed In: St. James Gate, Dublin, Eire

ABV: 4.20%

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Guinness Stout

Image contributed by: CHills

Tasting Notes

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powers profile picturepowers - December 17, 2016
Gotta have it on St patty's profile - October 21, 2016
Heavy beer but I like it. Shamrockin Guiness Challenge 8k in New Orleans!!
darma profile picturedarma - October 16, 2016
Creamy head. Smooth & malty with some bitterness. Excellent for pub night!
neilperk profile pictureneilperk - October 4, 2016
My favorite beer from September to May! profile - October 4, 2016
Best on tap.
jakef profile picturejakef - September 29, 2016
Need to retry to really explain the taiste! However all I can explain it as is empty, no bitter, not great tho profile - September 6, 2016
All time favorite profile - August 31, 2016
Silky smooth. Love the taste, but just a little too watered down for me.
jbrill profile picturejbrill - August 13, 2016
Foam tastes great
csemels profile picturecsemels - July 28, 2016
Very light and refreshing. Good on tap
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