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Brewed By: Goose Island Beer Co. (Anheuser-Busch InBev)

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 8

Style: Australian Imperial Brown Ale

Brewed In: 1800 West Fulton St. Chicago, IL 60612, USA

ABV: 11.3%

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Image contributed by: Cellar Dweller

Tasting Notes

Please sign in to post comments about this beer and see your Beer Buddies' comments. profile - May 6, 2017
Dark. Chocolate goodness with a finish that's hard to describe but delightful. Not as strong as Bourbon County but at 11% it comes close. Had at pub in Ardmore before Adrian Belew.
Cellar Dweller profile pictureCellar Dweller - February 20, 2017
Awesome brown ale! Great barrel flavors very reminiscent of Bourbon County. Pours dark brown with a thin tan head. Light bourbon and vanilla scent. Slightly stronger bourbon and vanilla flavor. Thin mouthfeel. Great value at less than $9.00. Really nice beer!