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Brewed By: Brasserie St. Feuillien

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 62

Style: Belgian Strong Pale Ale

Brewed In: Rue D' Houdeng 20, Le Roeulx, 7070, Belgium

ABV: 9.5%

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Image contributed by: tehIanMac

Tasting Notes

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candice profile picturecandice - September 5, 2015
Light and hoppy. A little sparkling. Nice different taste of beer
dkrenik profile picturedkrenik - October 27, 2013
Pale straw with light, foamy head. Subtle nose with alcohol aromas. Lots of alcohol on palate. OK - I've had better.
bier30 profile picturebier30 - September 22, 2013
Pretty good. Hi alc gives is a bit if a rough finish but over pretty good.
Mr. Moose profile pictureMr. Moose - August 16, 2013
Heffewisen base but extremely light. A little hoppy as well with some spice notes
bugs318 profile picturebugs318 - June 24, 2013
Pours a frothy white head capping a golden yellow, very faintly cloudy body. Carbonation is evident everywhere! Bouquet is mostly fruity and most predominantly of pear and spicy yeast, while taste is of lemon zest, cloves, and a hint of peppercorn that is boosted by a prickly and spicy sharp carbonation. A very good beer!
The Raven profile pictureThe Raven - January 5, 2013
Clear golden color. Sweet malt and hops. Strong at 9.5% ABV. Thoroughly enjoyable.