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Brewed By: New Belgium Brewing Inc. (Lion Little World Beverages / Kirin Holdings)

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 77

Style: American IPA

Brewed In: 500 Linden Street Fort Collins, CO 80524, USA

ABV: 6.7%

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Image contributed by: booxatron

Tasting Notes

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okoskodo profile pictureokoskodo - June 8, 2014
Very mild and flat taste.
msandino profile picturemsandino - February 24, 2014
Fresh and crisp -- not intense but delightful
Cort_B profile pictureCort_B - January 19, 2014
Golden color, bold hoppy and floral flavor, not too bitter
cmp8254 profile picturecmp8254 - January 12, 2014
Odd flavor, cannot place it, but odd. profile - October 19, 2013
Nice balanced IPA.
ryerarero profile pictureryerarero - September 6, 2013
Lite & smooth...... just like the butterflies in my garden.
TheChuckHart profile pictureTheChuckHart - August 15, 2013
Enjoyable but different IPA. Smooth malty backbone with a downplayed hop bitterness underlying it. I had a very different experience than Sudsey had - I did not notice citrus on the front or pine on the finish. I agree that it is a good summer beer. I had it on tap in a frosty pint glass. Medium golden with slight haze. Nice head retention.
Sudsey profile pictureSudsey - July 25, 2013
Good summer beer. Well rounded flavor profile - hoppy bitterness, hints of bright citrus, followed by a sweet bready middle and finished with another wave of piney hops. Went extremely well with a bratwurst and stone ground brown mustard.