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Brewed By: Cape Ann Brewing Company

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 141

Style: American Red Lager

Brewed In: Massachusetts, United States

ABV: 5.50%

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Image contributed by: mugg

Tasting Notes

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musicfromnextdoor profile picturemusicfromnextdoor - May 3, 2015
Skunky profile - August 12, 2014
Chum in the water, distinctive malt followed by "why did I choose this?"
bmanbros profile picturebmanbros - May 20, 2013
Had at Marriott on Boston
jsalsich profile picturejsalsich - April 11, 2013
Tasty! Not too much of anything- good balance, nice bitter touch, but not overly / annoyingly hoppy. Very good lager! profile - May 22, 2012
Nice malty flavor. Very smooth. I like
discdude08 profile picturediscdude08 - January 22, 2012
Not bad but doesn't do anything for me. Copper.
vadmbfan profile picturevadmbfan - September 22, 2011
Tastes like fish ass. I love it.