Even More Jesus
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Brewed By: Evil Twin Brewing
Number of Ratings: 341
Style: American Double / Imperial Stout
Brewed In: 446 Kent Ave Apt 14A, Brooklyn, New York, NY 11249, USA
ABV: 12%
People Who Liked This Beer Also Liked:We don't have enough ratings to say what beers are similar.
You must be signed in to rate beers or receive recommendations.Average Rating:
Number of Ratings: 341
Style: American Double / Imperial Stout
Brewed In: 446 Kent Ave Apt 14A, Brooklyn, New York, NY 11249, USA
ABV: 12%
People Who Liked This Beer Also Liked:We don't have enough ratings to say what beers are similar.
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Tasting Notes
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dkrenik - November 23, 2016
Deep, opaque, black with thick, foamy, dark tan head that lingers. Aromas of roasted malt, coffee, and licorice abound. Full bodied with plentiful carbonation. Bitter malt and coffee dominate the palate. Great stuff.
sophoodles - October 5, 2016
Wow, very strong imperial stout. Intense, bold tones of chocolate, coffee, and dark fruit. Espresso-bitter but also sweet (strongly of dark fruits). Has a quite strong alcoholic taste
bockboy@att.net - August 20, 2016
A+. Roasty, coffee, chocolate booze. An outstanding imperial stout. 12% abv by Evil Twin Brewing, CT. Tried it 3-4-19 and wasn?t nearly as impressed, too much black malt and a soy sauce taste. It had been aged.
jph368 - July 30, 2016
Boozy nose. Pours dark and thick, smoky and sweet. Definitely a sipper.
jaszian@msn.com - June 20, 2016
Would buy again. Strong, but great flavor. Definitely a sipping beer. Smooth, great coffee notes
jhamden - May 27, 2016
LOVE - campfire, smooth
jjfregistration - April 3, 2016
Pours thick and very black, with barely any brown head. Meat smoke smell, and really neat smoke taste. Not sure if I'm okay drinking this as a vegetarian. Carbonation opens up once it's in the mouth. Bitter coffee taste, not sweet. Long and slow bitter finish with some alcohol warmth.
SarahMunz - November 14, 2015
Tasty, strong, thick.
Bottle, home, Nov 2015
Upgraded from 3.5 to 4, July 2016.
MattMac - October 5, 2015
Too sweet
jlbobu - October 3, 2015
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