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Brewed By: Brouwerij Duvel Moortgat NV

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 5773

Style: Belgian Strong Pale Ale

Brewed In: Breendonkdorp 58, Breendonk-Puurs, 2870, Belgium

ABV: 8.50%

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Image contributed by: CHills

Tasting Notes

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Beerguy33 profile pictureBeerguy33 - July 17, 2015
From the first sip I knew this was a top notch beer. Bottle conditioned. 11.2 oz bottle into a Tulip glass. Pours a yellow golden color with a long lasting puffy head. Excellent lacing and medium carbonation. Aroma is yeasty, fruity, spicy hints of banana and clove with some malt. 8.5 abv is detectable but not overwhelming. Mouthfeel is smooth and light with a dry finish. Taste is crisp and sweet with some citrus, banana, bready malt, very slight hop bitterness and some warmth from the alcohol. This is a very complex but balanced beer.
Kimbo profile pictureKimbo - June 20, 2015
6/19/15 this is interesting, it's not easy to describe, maybe sweet grassy, wheat maybe. Nice to drink though. profile - May 30, 2015
Da servire a 10 gradi. Il colore è oro schietto, la schiuma ben strutturataL’aroma è un bouquet di fiori con il tipico tocco amarognolo del luppolo inglese e l’inconfondibile freschezza del Saaz; una miscela ardita ma deliziosa. Al primo sorso si resta sorpresi di fronte ad una frizzantezza insolita; man mano che ci si abitua, però, è il gusto fruttato, così chiaramente belga, a farsi strada: agrumi canditi, uva e mele cotte sono solo alcune delle sfumature.Il finale, così severamente secco, è un ennesimo colpo di scena.
clipinski13 profile pictureclipinski13 - April 12, 2015
A silky Belgian-style ale with well-balanced flavors of banana and clove and a semi-dry finish.
jmile profile picturejmile - April 10, 2015
Strong and bitter. Sour and rough
rchirw profile picturerchirw - January 15, 2015
1/14/15 with Alex watching American Sniper
4kedhorn profile picture4kedhorn - January 9, 2015
As unique and beguiling as claimed by the famous beer authority and author Michael Jackson. This is a must try. profile - January 3, 2015
i like it. Will drink again.
zerocool profile picturezerocool - January 2, 2015
Not too bad, can taste the bitter hoppes though. Many different flavors to this beer. Not too shabby.
jersekong profile picturejersekong - December 20, 2014
Such a clean and crisp beer. I don't know how this beer earns less than 4 stars. It's a full bodied beer with very complex flavors. Love it.
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