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Brewed By: Le Trou du Diable

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 9

Style: American Wild Ale

Brewed In: 412 Rue Willow, Shawinigan, Quebec, G9N 4P9, Canada

ABV: 7%

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Image contributed by: nox84

Tasting Notes

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bugs318 profile picturebugs318 - June 14, 2013
sometimes called a Wild Ale and sometimes a Saison, as it has characteristics of each such that the brewers call it a "Wild Saison." Aged in white wine barrels and fermented with wild yeast, as well as the standard Brettanomyces, this clear, lightly reddish brew wafts notes of honey, apricot, and tart cherries while the taste offers hints of vanilla wood up front with a drinkable, yet delectably soured (if not fully sour) finish. Enjoyably complex with a fair body and prickly carbonation, I could drink this all day. Sour but not puckering and multi-dimensional as it is, this beer is a gem! Grade: A/A+
bugs318 profile picturebugs318 - June 14, 2013
sometimes called a Wild Ale and sometimes a Saison, as it has characteristics of each such that the brewers call it a "Wild Saison." Aged in white wine barrels and fermented with wild yeast, as well as the standard Brettanomyces, this clear, lightly reddish brew wafts notes of honey, apricot, and tart cherries while the taste offers hints of vanilla wood up front with a drinkable, yet delectably soured (if not fully sour) finish. Enjoyably complex with a fair body and prickly carbonation, I could drink this all day. Sour but not puckering and multi-dimensional as it is, this beer is a gem! Grade: A/A+