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Brewed By: Otto's Pub & Brewery

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 98

Style: American Double / Imperial IPA (DIPA / IIPA)

Brewed In: 2235 N Atherton St, State College, PA 16803, USA

ABV: 9.6%

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Double D IPA

Image contributed by: trentsmith82

Tasting Notes

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BFG profile pictureBFG - March 25, 2017
KnyteFyre profile pictureKnyteFyre - February 12, 2017
Good tasting...Smooth going down.
jaf profile picturejaf - October 13, 2013
Hoppy and strong. I like the slab cabin a little better
D-Nuke profile pictureD-Nuke - July 7, 2013
Descent IPA. Nice dark golden color with an unusually light smell for such a dark color beer. Crisp with a strong grapefruit taste left on the pallet. Solid and smooth- but does not taste like a double IPA at all. Good, but not in my top 15%. profile - May 24, 2013
It's kind of chocolatey or coffee-ish, though almost citrusy at first. It actually pairs well with dark chocolate. There's almost orange juice on the nose- and maybe honey? profile - July 11, 2012
Strong hop flavor like you would expect, but milder somehow. My wife hates IPA but said this was good, even though this is a double IPA.
STEELCURTAIN617 profile pictureSTEELCURTAIN617 - March 25, 2012
Slight hopps. Very smooth.
nabilkamal profile picturenabilkamal - October 27, 2011
Dark harsh ipa. Not light and fresh which i prefer.