DieselPunk IPA
Brewed By: World Brews
Number of Ratings: 154
Style: American IPA
Brewed In: California, United States
ABV: 6.9%
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You must be signed in to rate beers or receive recommendations.Average Rating:
Number of Ratings: 154
Style: American IPA
Brewed In: California, United States
ABV: 6.9%
People Who Liked This Beer Also Liked:We don't have enough ratings to say what beers are similar.
Tasting Notes
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drewdrinkz - March 3, 2016
Strong in a bad way. It's 6.9%abv. I've had strong beers but this tastes like they dropped like a shot of whiskey or something in it. Slightly hoppy. Not recommended for anyone except someone who wants to get wasted on a watered down IPA.
reihm@yahoo.com - November 8, 2015
It is to ipas what milwaukees best is to lagers. Barely drinkable and only when nothing else is on the shelves but Budweiser. Tastes like malt liquor.
festiv1030@yahoo.com - June 21, 2015
Ok tasting. Mild hops. Barely bitter. It's ok but could be better
Doug C - May 26, 2014
Worst IPA I've had in a long time. I do love most IPA beers but this one was an epic fail
Dawgvet - April 23, 2014
Very light tasting but with a long lingering bitter after taste. Not very hoppy
mrjroz1a - February 1, 2014
Not very hoppy - has an aftertaste like a Budweiser (this is not a good thing). Not worth the $9 for a six.
vegchk@hotmail.com - October 15, 2013
Def sub par ipa! And gross after taste
eaconklin@hotmail.com - July 27, 2013
Sub-par IPA. Weak hops and too much aftertaste that sticks to your tongue. Label says Rochester not California.
peymack - July 25, 2013
Good. But leaves aftertaste
ajausting - July 12, 2013
Creamy head... Not ultra bitter... Very Boddingtons-esk...