Special Reserve Black Bier Ale
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Brewed By: Dark Horse Brewing Company (MI)
Number of Ratings: 282
Style: American Strong Ale
Brewed In: 511 S Kalamazoo Ave, Marshall, MI 49068, USA
ABV: 7.50%
People Who Liked This Beer Also Liked:We don't have enough ratings to say what beers are similar.
You must be signed in to rate beers or receive recommendations.Average Rating:
Number of Ratings: 282
Style: American Strong Ale
Brewed In: 511 S Kalamazoo Ave, Marshall, MI 49068, USA
ABV: 7.50%
People Who Liked This Beer Also Liked:We don't have enough ratings to say what beers are similar.
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Tasting Notes
Please sign in to post comments about this beer and see your Beer Buddies' comments.
dkrenik - July 6, 2016
Opaque mahogany with foamy, tan head. Notes of caramel and roasted malt in the nose. Intense, deep roasted malt flavors buttress caramel and hoppy bitterness. Medium bodied with good carbonation.
PFG. I'll look for this again.
epelky@comcast.net - September 11, 2015
Very full body, also very rich and filling. I definitely have to drink this in small doses
ProfessorJeff - August 25, 2015
It's a black ale. Malty and smooth.
Jerryjuice99 - May 1, 2015
Conceived in a dimly lit room on a blistery cold night in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, but born and raised here in Marshall Michigan. The Reserve Special is the oldest of all beers in the Dark Horse family. It has an incredibly “thick†presence and when poured into a glass its color is so dark it’s eerie. The flavors explode onto your taste buds with heavy malt, roast, and chocolate, but stay very balanced. The Reserve Special Black Ale has a hard time being called a stout or porter but it fits nicely into the category of a delicious strong black ale.
andrewrmast@gmail.com - April 4, 2015
Love. Mclaine loves too
Brianw - March 2, 2015
Slightly bitter with a great blend of chocolate and coffee flavors. I like this one it goes down smooth.
xman - February 20, 2015
Dark and chocolatey with tastes of coffee and tobacco. Malty and a dry hop finish.
taz1 - February 5, 2015
Good black ale a bit to bitter on finish average beer worth a try
zerocool - January 14, 2015
Not bad, slightly bitter. Smooth flavor with wonderful dark malty and heavy coffee tones.
aaf145 - January 4, 2015
Strange but tasty brew.. Can't tell if this is a hoppy porter or a creamy black ipa... Nice roasty character with a legit hop presence that does not linger not or have a bitter aftertaste.. High abv definitely helps..3 stars.. Solid beer but not one you want to drink everyday..a unique combination of flavors for the taste buds.
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