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Brewed By: Long Trail Brewing Company

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 88

Style: American Porter

Brewed In: 5520 US Route 4, Bridgewater Corners, VT 05035, USA

ABV: 9.3%

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Image contributed by: Beth & Al

Tasting Notes

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Yeti Krueger profile pictureYeti Krueger - March 19, 2016
Robust porter. You can really taste the cacao nibs. Smooth, creamy aftertaste.
owlyn profile pictureowlyn - January 11, 2016
Like others have said, an awesome porter. Almost a stout. Dark, just bitter enough. Slight coffee undertones.
aaf145 profile pictureaaf145 - August 24, 2014
Awesome porter.. So smooth for the abv.. Nice chocolate flavor.. 4.5 stars.. one of my favorite porters. Had it on tap at Macs in Philly. Awesome Brew. profile - April 13, 2014
Really good porter with just enough char in the taste.
jonat profile picturejonat - March 16, 2014
This was recommended to me by a clerk at Trader Joe's and I'm glad he did. Wonderful robust flavor, not bitter. If I can find more I'm buying it!
HSAlegend02 profile pictureHSAlegend02 - March 6, 2014
Smooth chocolate flavor, malty aftertaste, great taste for 9.3%.
bassfury profile picturebassfury - March 5, 2014
Black coffee slight choco notes slight bitter finish very good mimics an imperial stout if you like it try terrapin wake n bake or founders breakfast stout
mykdogg241 profile picturemykdogg241 - March 3, 2014
Really nice reminded me if HF Everret profile - February 13, 2014
Awesome porter. Very dark chocolate and smooth. Can not taste the alcohol
robjessbeer profile picturerobjessbeer - January 1, 2014
Verrrry coffee with some chocolate stout. Dark.
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