Brewed By: Long Trail Brewing Company
Number of Ratings: 88
Style: American Porter
Brewed In: 5520 US Route 4, Bridgewater Corners, VT 05035, USA
ABV: 9.3%
People Who Liked This Beer Also Liked:We don't have enough ratings to say what beers are similar.
You must be signed in to rate beers or receive recommendations.Average Rating:
Number of Ratings: 88
Style: American Porter
Brewed In: 5520 US Route 4, Bridgewater Corners, VT 05035, USA
ABV: 9.3%
People Who Liked This Beer Also Liked:We don't have enough ratings to say what beers are similar.
Tasting Notes
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Yeti Krueger - March 19, 2016
Robust porter. You can really taste the cacao nibs. Smooth, creamy aftertaste.
owlyn - January 11, 2016
Like others have said, an awesome porter. Almost a stout. Dark, just bitter enough. Slight coffee undertones.
aaf145 - August 24, 2014
Awesome porter.. So smooth for the abv.. Nice chocolate flavor.. 4.5 stars.. one of my favorite porters. Had it on tap at Macs in Philly. Awesome Brew. - April 13, 2014
Really good porter with just enough char in the taste.
jonat - March 16, 2014
This was recommended to me by a clerk at Trader Joe's and I'm glad he did. Wonderful robust flavor, not bitter. If I can find more I'm buying it!
HSAlegend02 - March 6, 2014
Smooth chocolate flavor, malty aftertaste, great taste for 9.3%.
bassfury - March 5, 2014
Black coffee slight choco notes slight bitter finish very good mimics an imperial stout if you like it try terrapin wake n bake or founders breakfast stout
mykdogg241 - March 3, 2014
Really nice reminded me if HF Everret - February 13, 2014
Awesome porter. Very dark chocolate and smooth. Can not taste the alcohol
robjessbeer - January 1, 2014
Verrrry coffee with some chocolate stout.