Brewed By: DuClaw Brewing Company (High Spot)
Number of Ratings: 65
Style: American Strong Ale
Brewed In: 305 High Street, Cambridge, MD 21613, USA
ABV: 21.92%
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You must be signed in to rate beers or receive recommendations.Average Rating:
Number of Ratings: 65
Style: American Strong Ale
Brewed In: 305 High Street, Cambridge, MD 21613, USA
ABV: 21.92%
People Who Liked This Beer Also Liked:We don't have enough ratings to say what beers are similar.
Tasting Notes
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HSAlegend02 - April 6, 2015
2015 version...17.3% abv, tastes strong with a hint of apple/cinnamon
Beezer111 - January 17, 2015
Very good beer, easy to drink but the bold ABV is tough handle
Homer's Beer Odyssey - October 18, 2014
APPEARANCE - Mostly opaque orange amber with a 1-finger head that dissipates. A bit of lacing.
AROMA/SCENT - Slightly sweet, very herbaceous. Not hoppy
TASTE - They brew this with various herbs not identified. I don't like them. I think they might use tarragon, or something sweet like that. I don't like it. ABV not well-hidden.
MOUTHFEEL/PALATE/TEXTURE - Very gooey. Almost no carbonation.
VALUE - Cheaper than Dogfish 120, but not worth it
OVERALL/DRINKABILITY - A sipping beer at best. Beer advocate has the wrong ABV. The bottle I drank says 17.23. not 21.92.
NavyGuyAN - October 1, 2014
The 2014 bottle is 17.3% ABV. Nice apple aroma, huge nice alcohol taste, too much of a malty aftertaste finish for me. It says (high gravity hybrid) but I think it's not quite thick enough. Seems to taste better as it warms slightly. 4 stars
pagnani - March 10, 2012
22% beer that tastes like a nice apple cider. Nice amount of cinnamon spice, honey flavors, easy to sip on, sweet. Relax with this, tastes best almost room temperature... 5X as strong as your average beer. Amazing
Drank this 40 dollar bottle for Stagg's b-day. Amazing.