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Brewed By: New Albanian Brewing Co.

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 3

Style: Saison / Farmhouse Ale

Brewed In: 3312 Plaza Dr, New Albany, IN 47150, USA

ABV: 7.5%

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Tasting Notes

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a hungri bear profile picturea hungri bear - January 20, 2014
19JAN14, Apt Growler, beveled pint Pours a clear dark amber color with a bit less than a finger of off white head. Aroma is a bit yeasty and the Citra is not as prominent in the nose. Flavor is a great blend of sweet with a hint of bitter to start off. There's an interesting but of tartness that seems to accompany the moderate carbonation. Mouthfeel is light. It's quite good. The citrus is good, a bit of orange and maybe mango/pineapple.