Chief BlackHawk Porter
Brewed By: Tyranena Brewing Company
Number of Ratings: 109
Style: American Porter
Brewed In: 1025 Owen St, Lake Mills, WI 53551, USA
ABV: 5.60%
People Who Liked This Beer Also Liked:We don't have enough ratings to say what beers are similar.
You must be signed in to rate beers or receive recommendations.Average Rating:
Number of Ratings: 109
Style: American Porter
Brewed In: 1025 Owen St, Lake Mills, WI 53551, USA
ABV: 5.60%
People Who Liked This Beer Also Liked:We don't have enough ratings to say what beers are similar.
Tasting Notes
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Cellar Dweller - August 29, 2018
Pours black with a thin tan head. Smells of roasted malt. Tastes of roasted malt, coffee, chocolate and a nice light smoke. Faintly sweet and a little watery. Tyranena?s best regular offering.
Poks - December 29, 2015
Strong aroma. Lots of roasted coffee smell. Initial taste is good and then slightly bitter finish common with porters. Pretty good example of style.
ChiHopHead - August 31, 2014
Smells like a coffee stout, and tastes like a milder (less roasty) version of one. Nice bitter finish and coffee flavor.
bobcady - April 11, 2014
Decent porter. Not bitter. Slight zest aftertaste. Malty ness. Strong Coffee flavor
parsgreater - March 9, 2014
Light smooth balance of coffee and choc
Like Guiness with some carbonation - January 5, 2014
Now that's a porter! Full bodied, first taste is slightly hoppy, followed by sweet. Slight smoky overtones
TheChuckHart - January 5, 2013
Coffee aroma apparent on opening and first pour. Almost as dark as coffee too. Coffee-flavored malts dominate with minimal chocolate flavor. Appropriately bitter with a thinner mouthfeel. Minimal head and light carbonation. The malt flavor lingers at the finish. I'm not big on porters, but this one is pretty good. Not overpowering but not quite a session beer.
jnoff79 - January 2, 2012