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Brewed By: Brewer's Art

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 396

Style: Dubbel

Brewed In: 1106 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, MA 21201, USA

ABV: 7%

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Image contributed by: jpasq

Tasting Notes

Please sign in to post comments about this beer and see your Beer Buddies' comments. profile - June 21, 2017
Had at Max's taphouse while visiting Baltimore. Solid abbey ale with good Belgian flavors. profile - June 21, 2017
Had at Max's taphouse while visiting Baltimore. A solid abbey ale with good malt flavor and Belgian yeast flavors.
doodlebug profile picturedoodlebug - September 19, 2016
Slight caramel flavor.
warhorse650b profile picturewarhorse650b - June 23, 2015
Fairly light body for a Belgium Ale, but tasty at 7%ABV
jmile profile picturejmile - June 4, 2015
Fine. Bitter finish malt front
bakerwp profile picturebakerwp - February 8, 2015
Good flavor slight bitter taste.
dcsportsdad profile picturedcsportsdad - January 15, 2015
Smith and easily drinkable. Nice change of pace.
waydena profile picturewaydena - July 19, 2014
Dark and sweet. Fruity flavor typical of a dubbel. Little dry on the aftertaste. Not my cup of tea put I think good for the style.
Commander profile pictureCommander - December 25, 2013
Good beer, inital taste is like a wheat beer Weizen , but then begins to settle down Very good body and finish is great ale. Deep amber color and light lacing
staceylizz profile picturestaceylizz - November 6, 2013
Lots if flavor but light -I love this beer!
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