Bon Papa
Brewed By: Brewery Vivant
Number of Ratings: 4
Style: Belgian IPA
Brewed In: 925 Cherry St SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49506, USA
ABV: 5.6%
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Number of Ratings: 4
Style: Belgian IPA
Brewed In: 925 Cherry St SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49506, USA
ABV: 5.6%
People Who Liked This Beer Also Liked:We don't have enough ratings to say what beers are similar.
Tasting Notes
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Michigander - August 2, 2017
I keep thinking I'll run out of great Belgian style beers to try but there seems to always be one I've never tried. This one is from my favorite Michigan company Brewery Vivant in Grand Rapids. It's called Bon Papa a farmhouse IPA. It's moderate in alcohol like many farmhouse style beers at 6% but has a slight IPA style hops kick that other farmhouse ales don't have. Very drinkable and refreshing with hints of citrus on a summer day. My top 10 is stretching to include this beer