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Brewed By: Karl Strauss Brewing Company

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 28

Style: Belgian IPA

Brewed In: 5965 Santa Fe St, San Diego, CA 92109, USA

ABV: 8.5%

IBU: 80

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Image contributed by: louieVille

Tasting Notes

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nsinfamous profile picturensinfamous - December 24, 2013
Belgian mixed ipa taste. But can't taste much hops. An interesting balance.
zomerhouse profile picturezomerhouse - August 12, 2013
Pours a nice rich copper color. Thick head. Floral nose with some sweetness. Bitter like an IPA and yet sweet like a Belgian. Get some banana, coriander, and subtle caramel. Pretty good stuff.
svenllr profile picturesvenllr - June 1, 2013
Having tasted my first Belgian IPA at the Karl Strauss Brewery in Carlsbad, just down the street from Legoland, I was delighted by the richness of the beer. Bitter like an IPA and yet sweet like a Belgian. Darker than an amber but not too dark, this delicious delight ranks high on my list of wonderful beers. I fear I will not find this treat where I live for being too far north from this San Diego brewery.
louieVille profile picturelouieVille - April 14, 2013
This Belgian IPA has a great taste! Delicious!!!!!!!!!!
eagle_gwaihir profile pictureeagle_gwaihir - April 6, 2013
Coriander and Belgian yeast are prevalent. This beer is fruity and refreshing. The banana taste is also there. It's pretty floral on the nose. profile - February 2, 2013
Sweet head with a mild hop finish. Mild floral aroma.