Black Hops
Brewed By: Blue Hills Brewery
Number of Ratings: 55
Style: American Black Ale
Brewed In: Massachusetts, United States
ABV: 6.75%
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You must be signed in to rate beers or receive recommendations.Average Rating:
Number of Ratings: 55
Style: American Black Ale
Brewed In: Massachusetts, United States
ABV: 6.75%
People Who Liked This Beer Also Liked:We don't have enough ratings to say what beers are similar.
Tasting Notes
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Fonar - December 31, 2014
Real hoppiness for a darker beer
Bohous - July 19, 2014
Pours more copper brown than black. Tight 2 fingers of foam with significant lacing. Smell and taste is earthy. Grass and citrus but solid malt backbone. Mouth feel is full and smooth, which is the main thing making it distinctive from an American IPA. If I were blindfolded I would never suspect this was a dark brew.
jdjossel - June 11, 2014
Almost fruity aroma, dark in color between brown and espresso, with a bubbly foaming head. Chocolate bitterness but accompanied by a licorice like flavor, again almost fruity. Surprisingly light bodied. Refreshing and smooth.
edarosa - March 25, 2013
xefaskia - May 29, 2012
Way too bitter. Label says it "evokes chocolate and coffee on the nose and palate." I tasted neither. And it stayed heavy from start to finish, anything but the "light bodied finish" it describes.