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Brewed By: BJ's Restaurant & Brewhouse

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 881

Style: Irish Red Ale

Brewed In: California, USA

ABV: 7.30%

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Image contributed by: mmachi

Tasting Notes

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Ern Dog profile pictureErn Dog - January 9, 2022
An exceptional red ale brew.. citrus aroma, light subtle head and lace, and a refreshing sweet intense hops in the palate. Cheers from SoCal USA 1/9/22
Dr Why profile pictureDr Why - May 14, 2021
Truly Red and truly delicious. Smooth caramel, almost buttery flavors that to me is better than some of the Irish Ales from Ireland. Like it so much, that I will drive 34 miles RT from the country to town to pick up a couple of 6 packs from time to time. Slainte.
jeevanmd profile picturejeevanmd - March 23, 2018
Kind of sweet
bvorgang profile picturebvorgang - March 8, 2018
As a former brewery owner ... this surprised me. It has a nice malty start ... with a mild hip finish. Nice for a casual beer with a meal.
davidjeastman profile picturedavidjeastman - July 29, 2017
Just a touch hoppy and slightly too much carbonation, but definitely doable
potterj07 profile picturepotterj07 - March 19, 2017
Great beer. Very smooth with plenty of flavor. One of my favorites from BJs
davew99 profile picturedavew99 - September 23, 2016
Light taste for an amber. Very smooth. But strong in alcohol. Like the Long Island ice tea of beer.
letterman profile pictureletterman - June 25, 2016
Good. Lots of flavor.
letterman profile pictureletterman - June 25, 2016
Good Lots of flavor
Jostyks profile pictureJostyks - January 27, 2016
Surprisingly obvious sweet caramel flavor.
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