Brewed By: Brauerei Beck & Co. (AB InBev)
Number of Ratings: 5709
Style: German Pilsner
Brewed In: Am Deich 18, Bremen, 28199, Germany
ABV: 4.90%
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Number of Ratings: 5709
Style: German Pilsner
Brewed In: Am Deich 18, Bremen, 28199, Germany
ABV: 4.90%
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Tasting Notes
Please sign in to post comments about this beer and see your Beer Buddies' comments. - October 3, 2015
Nothing outstanding about this beer.
Cellar Dweller - July 14, 2015
Not bad, but not good either. Healthy dose of wet cardboard hops.
johnr1305 - June 9, 2015
Light color smooth taste - May 19, 2015
Schiuma bianca poco persistente. Chiara limpida. Profumo fresco metallico malto. Frizzantina. Sapore poco metallico di malto retrogusto luppolo.
Beerguy33 - April 10, 2015
Pours a yellow straw color. 1/2" head that disappears fast. Light carbonation. Mouthfeel is watery and thin. Aroma is an overpowering skunky smell. Taste is also skunk, it overpowers any hint of hops. Also, a little metallic. Not sure if skunk is because of the green bottle or if this is the Brewers intention. I'd like to try it from a keg to be sure. But so far it tastes like a Heineken imitation.
riluna - January 3, 2015
Rubia, suave y con un amarguito justo.
Refrescante y con un cuerpo liviano
Gordono - November 1, 2014
Sparkling dry pale German lager with a good touch of hops, I prefer Becks over hinney
rublido - October 16, 2014
Rubia suave
boltach - September 27, 2014
It looks appealing but the disappointment is huge. On a flavor scale 3 out of 100. It is a cheap imitation of Heineken .
TearsforBeers - July 20, 2014
Better then Hineys..:)