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Brewed By: Barley Island Brewing Company

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 73

Style: American IPA

Brewed In: Indiana, United States

ABV: 5.60%

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Image contributed by: tlisby3

Tasting Notes

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Bigren profile pictureBigren - January 20, 2013
Nice smooth IPA-not as bitter as most- smooth sweet aftertaste
bosevii501 profile picturebosevii501 - October 30, 2012
Creamy mouthfeel. Lots of hop aroma but a bit overshadowed on the taste by malt. Would be a good "first" IPA but not great for hopheads.
julian2412 profile picturejulian2412 - April 1, 2012
SUPER hoppy. Aftertaste of cannabis takes some getting used to, but after the first sip or two, a true IPA and a good bottle of beer.
NorseBrew profile pictureNorseBrew - February 26, 2012
"Tavern style" IPA must mean a more malty beer -- so much so that the hops are almost overshadowed. On the brown side of the IPA spectrum.
map profile picturemap - October 13, 2011
Aroma of all hops but not overly bitter to taste. Certainly not a strong IPA but fairly refreshing. Pours with less head than most of its kind. Not totally impressed with this one to be honest