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Brewed By: Pabst Brewing Company / G. Heileman Brewing Co.

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 67

Style: American Pale Ale (APA)

Brewed In: 10635 Santa Monica Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90025, USA

ABV: ?

People Who Liked This Beer Also Liked:We don't have enough ratings to say what beers are similar.
Ballantine XXX Ale

Image contributed by: mully31

Tasting Notes

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thedailyshow41 profile picturethedailyshow41 - September 14, 2015
Crisp, right in my bitter range. Solid!
arpajiank3 profile picturearpajiank3 - August 11, 2015
Best iPa so far
jsalsich profile picturejsalsich - December 31, 2012
Tasty. Sweet finish distinguishes this from the PBRs of the world.
BIGTIME profile pictureBIGTIME - December 8, 2012
Borderline ale, closer to a spring/summer lager in body, density and complexity. That said it is nice and crisp, although lacking the citrus needed to define it as a pale ale. It does seem to want to pair well with a variety of menus or simply as a easy to drink3-4 in conversation sort of brew. It is smooth in its finish.
mperugini523 profile picturemperugini523 - September 15, 2012
Surprisingly decent. Crisp and hoppy.
redheadedking profile pictureredheadedking - November 8, 2011
Nice light beer from us...taste similiar to heiny
bluepaso profile picturebluepaso - September 30, 2011
Generally only available in 16 oz 6 pack cans. Don't be put off by the cans or the very reasonable price. A nice compliment to a roast beef dinner with all the fixings or mowing the lawn on a hot day. Refreshingly hoppy; clear amber color, white head when poured into your favorite flaggon.