Brewed By: Back East Brewing Company
Number of Ratings: 9
Style: English Winter Warmer
Brewed In: 1296 Blue Hills Ave, Ste A, Bloomfield, CT 06002-5312, USA
ABV: 5%
People Who Liked This Beer Also Liked:We don't have enough ratings to say what beers are similar.
You must be signed in to rate beers or receive recommendations.Average Rating:
Number of Ratings: 9
Style: English Winter Warmer
Brewed In: 1296 Blue Hills Ave, Ste A, Bloomfield, CT 06002-5312, USA
ABV: 5%
People Who Liked This Beer Also Liked:We don't have enough ratings to say what beers are similar.
Tasting Notes
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Statler - November 11, 2016
Almost no head on pour. Medium dark brown color. Smooth. Light spice flavor. Very good.
JLeadbeater - December 18, 2012
Very "funky" taste for me. May be a taste that only some will like. Very seasonal twist to it.