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Brewed By: Brouwerij De Smedt / Brouwerij Affligem

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 688

Style: Belgian Strong Pale Ale

Brewed In: Ringlaan 18, Opwijk, 1745, Belgium

ABV: 7%

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Image contributed by: AngusMcCloud

Tasting Notes

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quara0 profile picturequara0 - August 10, 2012
Light tasting, very hidden bitter. Chasing taste of yellow apricots.
wahoo2048 profile picturewahoo2048 - August 5, 2012
Dances on the taste buds, highly carbonated, much like it Duvel, Typical of the style same tasting notes as the rest of them it's pretty good
wahoo2048 profile picturewahoo2048 - August 5, 2012
Dances on the taste buds, highly carbonated, much like it Duvel, Typical of the style same tasting notes as the rest of them it's pretty good
Mac17 profile pictureMac17 - July 13, 2012
Amazing smell to it of cloves, spices, bananas. Flavor not quite up to the smell. Still very good, but was thinking world class when I started. Big banana flavor that lingers profile - June 22, 2012
Kinda fruity. Smooth. Good for hog day. I think mike would like it.
tenthandjordan profile picturetenthandjordan - June 5, 2012
Not bad. Nothing too special. Light belgian, with not much spice too it. Would get it again, but would order many things before it.
rcoxford profile picturercoxford - May 13, 2012
Nice blonde abbey style beer with hints of lemony biscuit. Lots of carbonation and head.
ishkybob profile pictureishkybob - April 7, 2012
Little head and lacing, middling flavor for a belgian blonde.
dlitolff profile picturedlitolff - April 1, 2012
Nice smooth blonde abbey.
fmercury profile picturefmercury - February 25, 2012
Light Belgian beer - very tasty
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