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Brewed By: New Belgium Brewing Inc. (Lion Little World Beverages / Kirin Holdings)

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 1793

Style: English Extra Special / Strong Bitter (ESB)

Brewed In: 500 Linden Street Fort Collins, CO 80524, USA

ABV: 6.60%

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Image contributed by: AngusMcCloud

Tasting Notes

Please sign in to post comments about this beer and see your Beer Buddies' comments. profile - January 14, 2017
01/14/17 - Had one at Cullen's Condo.
huskychampion profile picturehuskychampion - January 1, 2017
Bitter beer with hints of pine and caramel. Slight bitter after taste. Not that good.
srooz profile picturesrooz - January 1, 2017
Hoppy, fairly bitter with hints of pine.
mbaver profile picturembaver - December 11, 2016
Very good winter lager
striketm profile picturestriketm - November 25, 2016
A hoppy winter warmer with pine notes
cranderdon profile picturecranderdon - January 31, 2015
Slight bitter char start with smooth finish.
beermeseymore profile picturebeermeseymore - December 31, 2014
Not a big fan of this one. It's not a bad beer, but certainly nothing special. Little aroma, bland taste, and slightly odd aftertaste.
myshmupy profile picturemyshmupy - December 26, 2014
Beautiful color and carbonation is perfect. Full bodied but not overbearing. Ample and palatable aftertaste. Would recommend
Ali Lee profile pictureAli Lee - December 26, 2014
Great color and great bubbles. Too much of an aftertaste for my liking. Not a total turn off, but not something I wouldn't recommend!
JarlBear profile pictureJarlBear - December 21, 2014
Sweet, taste reminds me of fresh cut wood or saw dust
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